Holiday Haul – BHS and Asda

Morning guys and dollz! Me and Darren’s ♥ sister Emma ♥ went shopping weekend before last for birthday presents for Darren ♥. I picked up a couple of little bits for myself and a couple of cute beach dresses from Asda for my hols.

Darren’s ♥ Mum ♥ works in BHS so we took along her family discount card with us which we can also use in Dorothy Perkins and Evans, I think. We popped in BHS for lunch with both of us having jacket potato with 1 filling and salad and a diet pepsi each. Now it should have come to £13.50 but we got it for £8.23!! Good huh? A filling lunch for just over 4 quid! Get in!

Earrings and bracelet set originally £6.50 reduced to £3
Long Necklace originally £10 reduced to £7 – Both these items cost me £5.22 because of the BHS discount card.

Red and Aqua dresses from Asda these dresses were £9 each and just perfect for my hols

That’s it! There’s not much but like I said I was shopping for Darren ♥ not me.

I love the dragonfly earrings, not too keen on the string bracelet but I’m sure I can rock them somehow! Maybe do something a bit crafty with the dragonfly on it and attach it to the necklace? Mmmmm
There will be another little haul this weekend no doubt so lookout for the next instalment in my holidays hauls!