FOTD/N - Red Lips Black Liner

Hello gorgeous gals! Here is a quick look I threw on the other night as I realised I hadn’t had a proper go with the lipstick from my swap with the lovely Irene from Blushingloves

MAC Face and Body in C3
Bourjois Chocolate Bronzer
MAC Select Moisture Cover NC30

MAC e/s Phloof
Urban Decay e/s Buck for crease and brows
Clinique Gel Liner - True Black

Maybelline Red lip liner
Korres Orange red lipstick #52

Let me just explain that this black liner business does not come easy to me at all. I have tried it with the Loreal Superliner, MAC Blacktrack and a MAC 210 brush, Benefit Get Bent brush. My Blacktrack has all but dried out so a few months back purchased the Clinque liner in True Black. It’s a slow process but I’m getting there with it, I also used my MAC 266 angled brush and it seems a lot easier. Practice makes perfect eh!

I can’t thank Irene enough for sending me this lipstick I love it! It’s so moisturising, I just need to be brave enough to wear it out the flat! I always worry about my teeth looking stained as I used to be a smoker (if the truth be known I still have the odd cigarette when my friend Rosé comes to town!) I don't know enough about the right shade of red, Ive heard there's blue toned reds, orange toned reds but which ones are the best for your teeth? Is there one shade that suits all? Can you help me ladies?