♥ Monday Summary - Happy Valentines Day Lovelies ♥

Hey girls, here we have another one of my Monday Summary posts, things that have happened to me since last Sunday. Enjoy, please let me know if you don’t really want to read anything like this, I’ll stop the posts. I thought it would be nice for you to get to know me a bit more that’s all.

  1. Slimming World – I lost 1½ pound at Slimming World this week, even after my massive meal last Saturday which wasn’t food optimising at all! I felt very in control all week, cooking healthy slimming meals for me and Darren. On SW you can have 10-15 ‘Syns’ a day, usually I max out my syns having 15 everyday, using them for things like ketchup, brown sauce and chocolate. But I have been keeping them very low all week so I will try to do it this week too. Although the 3 crème eggs I bought yesterday may not help! 8½ syns each a crème egg is, so it is possible to have one a day and still lose wait. One of my old SW consultants used to be a chocolate lover and she used to have a Galaxy Ripple (9 syns) everyday and still lost weight on the scales.

  1. My phone – I have a Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 and I hate it! On Sunday I went to pick it up again from the o2 shop near me from repair. This is the 3rd time I’ve taken the phone in, this time they replaced it with a handset rather than fix the problem. I chose this phone rather than the iPhone because my previous phone was a Sony and I loved it. The camera was amazing, probably the main reason I went for it again. However the camera on my new phone is nowhere near as good although it is the same 8.1 mega pixel camera the quality is rubbish. The signal on the phone is the worst I’ve experienced, if I need to have a lengthy conversation at home with anyone on my phone I have to swap the sim card into my old phone so that we can have a decent conversation, I shouldn’t have to do that and pay nearly 50 quid a month for my contract. Booooo Sony!

  1. Not going to the gym - Me and Emma ♥ have been going to the gym 3 times a week since June last year with the exception of a few yoga classes and a couple of swims. At first I loved the gym and felt it was really helping my weight loss, it was great to be in a routine and exercising. Now, however, I feel like we need to change up our exercise a bit to benefit more out of our membership. I told Emma ♥ the week before last that I would be giving the gym a miss for a few weeks and I have to say it is nice having a break. I haven’t been to our leisure centre once, instead I had a go on my Wii at home for half hour or an hour and I’ve really enjoyed it. Tonight I’m going swimming straight from work and maybe do a class on Wednesday if I can get on. There’s a Zumba class starting up at the top of my road in a couple of weeks so I’m looking forward to that.

  1. Valentines Day – Darren ♥ and I have decided to not go mad for Valentines Day this year, we bought a card for each other and I’m cooking Darren ♥ a nice meal for tonight. I’ve just been to Jamie Oliver’s butchers at St Pauls to get us a couple of Ribeye steaks. The plan is; meal and then sofa for DVD/One born every minute!. Just being together is enough for us; it doesn’t have to be Valentines Day to be soppy. I kinda think it gets all blown out of proportion any way and turns into this big money making con.

  1. Me time – On Saturday Darren ♥ went to the pub for a few hours with the boys whilst I stayed at home. It was lovely to finally have a bit of time to mess about with make up (FOTD post to come) and to have a few hours to myself. I had a lovely relaxing bath then sat myself down to watch Come dine with me, which at last wasn’t a repeat!

Did you all have a nice weekend? Are any of you a massive Come dine with me fan?

Happy Valentines Day!