The Vitality Show – 2 Tickets for £20 - Code

Hey girlies, are any of you going to The Vitality Show at Earls Court? It’s on this year from 24th – 27th March. I went last year with Faye ♥, Emma ♥ and Emma’s mate Laura ♥. We had such a good time and came home with loads of freebies! Emma ♥ got us a trolley each for last years show and at first I thought she was joking at how much free stuff you get, but no joke my trolley was full! I can’t wait to go this year I bought some lovely bits and pieces last year but missed out on a Benefit lipgloss I wanted as the Benefit counter/stall was just packed and I couldn’t get anywhere near an SA. When I eventually went back just before we left they had sold out on all lipglosses – gutted! I heard it was being discontinued too, it's no biggie though it was only another nudey shade and I have enough of those already.

The tickets are on sale for £14.50 each but if you enter code VIT3 at the checkout you can buy 2 tickets for £20. There is a transaction fee of £1.95 but it’s still a saving.

Click HERE to see a full list of the exhibitors there this year. Benefit Cosmetics, Bio Oil, Chocolate Fondue Company (yum!), Halo (hair extensions), Jelly Pong Pong and loads more. It’s not just about make up, it’s about health and fitness too.

There are loads of Experts and Celebrities also attending click HERE to see the timetable incase you wanted to go on that day. Last year Rosemary Connelly was there but we didn’t have time to wait and if I’m honest I didn’t really want the book she was signing. She does look good though and I can see why she’s a real inspiration to some ladies.

If you're going and would like to meet up let me know, we could have a natter over some chocolate covered strawberries!